Welcome To

Space Rival

Great amount of free and open source projects ready to be explored!

June 26, 2024

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Completed Projects​
Years of Experience

I really believe that keeping content free and available for everyone is the best way to inspire and improve projects. All of the projects here at SpaceRival is completely free to use and modify! So if you find any of the projects interesting, go ahead and use it and if you wish build on top of it.

SpaceRival Features

Project Explorer

Portfolio of all projects published to Spacerival. You can download everything over there as closed source completely for free. No registration or personal information is needed, simply pick a project you like and start downloading.

Members Area

Get a ton of exclusive content by signing up to members area. It's completely free! In this section we provide the open source code to all of the projects. You can also opt-in for the optional newsletter if you would like to get notified about upcoming projects.

Why is all of this free?

I built this playground while i was studying system engineering with the intention of having an online portfolio. The work i publish here is to inspire others and share along my journey. And i choose to keep it free of charge so everyone can use, partake and improve the projects here at Space Rival.

Any special projects that you would like me to build? Send in a request!

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Recently Published Projects

sniper king

Sniper King

A modern sniper game with realistic graphics and physics. Fully developed and produced by SpaceRival

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Space Backup

Space Backup is a simple and modular backup application with a modern user interface.

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